Arranging Director Admin

Navigate to System Settings > Arranging Director Admin.

** Only admin users will be able to access this area of the system.

Contract Maintenance

  • Change an At Need Contract Number

    This section allows you to update any existing at-need contract numbers.

    1. Use the dropdown to locate the contract number that requires changes. 
    2. Enter the new contract number. 
    3. Click ‘Change Contract Number’ when done

    **Changing a contract number allows the original number to be used again if need.

  • Change a Preneed Contract Number

    This section  allows you to update any existing pre-need contract numbers.

    1. Use the dropdown to locate the contract number that needs to be changed. 
    2. Enter the new contract number.
    3.  Click ‘Change Contract Number’ when done.

    **Changing a contract number allows the original number to be used again if need.

  • Contract Numbering Setup

    This section allows you to set up your contract numbers.

    Enter your At Need and Preneed contract number values.

  • Void an At Need Contract

    This section allows you to void an at-need contract.

    Use the dropdown to select the at-need contract to void and click ‘Void Contract’.

    **Voiding a contract also voids the number assigned. If you want to keep the number, we suggest you Change an At Need Contract Number first to something that you will not need. Then you can void the contract with the new number you do not need. 

  • Void a Preneed Contract

    This section allows you to void a pre-need contract.

    Use the dropdown to select the pre-need contract to void and click ‘Void Contract’.

    **Voiding a contract also voids the number assigned. If you want to keep the number, we suggest you Change an Preneed Contract Number first to something that you will not need. Then you can void the contract with the new number you do not need. 

  • Delete an AddOn

    This section allows you to void an add-on item.

    Use the dropdown to select the add-on item to void and click ‘Search for AddOns’.

  • Reset Write Off Status

    This allows you to remove the Write Off Status that was marked for a record. 

    1. Open the record and go to the Account tab. The button is at the bottom. 
    2. Go into System Settings > Arranging Director Admin > Reset Write Off Status.
    3. Use the drop down to choose a record. The list only shows records that are in fact written off already. 
    4. You can edit the write off date or reset the write off status all together.
  • Reset PN Transferred Status

    If you changed a pre-need contract to a Transferred status (meaning the pre-need person moved their information to another funeral home), you can remove it from your system. 

    ** The record will still be there but flagged as transferred. 

    To change the status from pre-need to pre-need transferred:

    1. Open the record and go to the Contract tab.
    2. Change the Contract Type drop down to Transferred PreNeed.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Go into System Settings > Arranging Director Admin > Reset PN Transferred Status.
    5. You select the record from a drop down list.
  • Reset Manual Archive Status

    If you manually archive an at-need record you can reset the status to an active at-need

    1. Open the record and go to the Account tab. If their account balance is $0 due, you will see a button at the bottom that says Manually Archive Account. You can ONLY manually archive if there is no balance due on account.
    2. Go into System Settings > Arranging Director Admin > Reset Manual Archive Status.
    3. Select the record from a drop down list. This drop down list will only show records that were manually archived, not automatically archived.  
  • Sales Tax Setup

    This section allows you to setup your Local and State sales tax rates. Multiple tax rates for different Counties, States along with past sales tax rates can be set up in this section if needed.

    Add a New Tax Rate

    1. Click on the Add button in the top right corner to add a new tax rate. 
    2. Add the Name, Local Tax %, State Tax % 
    3. Select if this tax rate will be the Default Values for all new records. 
    4. If you have a Multi Branch system you will be able to set up a tax to a Servicing Branch and can assign Default Values for each location. 
    5. Click Edit, to save.

    Sales Tax Controls

    To select the access level for who can change the Sales Tax rate within a record, select All or Admin for the All “On Contract: Sales Tax Changes By:

    Reporting Use Tax

    If you would like to report on Sales Tax Used, select Yes for the drop down "Do you want to report Use Tax?".

  • View Contract Status Change Report
    1. Select a starting date (i.e. the first of the month) and end date (it will show today by default).
    2. Click Create Report. 

    This will show all contract status changes such as changing a contract number which includes converting PreNeed contracts to At Need. The report shows what user made the changes, the date and time of the change, and the original and new contract numbers. 

  • View Contract Data Change Report
    1. Select a starting date (i.e. the first of the month) and an end date (it will show today by default).
    2. Use a drop down to select a record.
    3. Click Create Report. 

    The report shows changes to contract item values and includes what user made the changes, the date and time of the change, and the original and new contract item values. 

Form Library Maintenance

  • Maintain Forms

    If you prefer to watch a video, click here.

    This section allows you to add the forms you will be using for printing. These can be set up for the home screen and client record.

    Check the box next to each form needed to appear on the Forms Menu and/or Client Overview screen then click the ‘Update Visibility’ button. Only the forms that are checked will appear on the screens selected.

    ** You may also maintain existing forms and add new forms to the library from this screen. When a form is added, it will be considered a Funeral Home Form and appear in that column.

    System forms are maintained by Halcyon and only the visibility of these forms can be controlled. The system wide list contains the forms that are common to most funeral homes but not every funeral home may have specialized forms. If the system forms do not meet the specific needs of your funeral home, your own forms can be uploaded.

    Add Your Own Form

    To add a form to the library, see Adding your Own Forms.

  • Funeral Home Specific Field List

    Any custom fields you have created are listed here. You can see the name and type of field, and the field code for use on prefill forms.  

Data Field Maintenance

  • Define and Maintain Vitals and Services Data Fields

    If you prefer to watch a video, click here.

    The system has pre-defined fields which are available to all funeral homes. You may set the default visibility settings for these fields on the Client Vitals and Services screens as either shown by default or hidden by default. If there is a data field that you never or seldom use, you may wish to hide it using this function.

    When the client Vitals or Service screen displays it will only show those fields that you have defined to be visible. Fields that you have set to be hidden by default will not show UNLESS you have entered data for that field for the particular client you are viewing.

    The system pre-defined fields will have a Shown/Hidden drop down in the right hand column.

    On the Client Vitals and Services page, there are buttons at the top of each page which allow you to change views to see all possible data rows or just your defined “default” data rows.

    Certain pre-defined fields will allow you to set a synonym for the field text. If a field will allow a synonym there will be an input field in the “Optional Synonym” column. For example, you may wish for “Officiant” to be displayed as “Rabbi”. Simply add your text and click the edit button.

    The text you have entered will show as the field name on the Vitals or Service screen. NOTE: you must use a synonym for the existing field since often times the data is used on forms and reports.

    You also have the option to add your own data collection fields that are specific to your funeral home. Most of the fields on the Admin screen have a green add symbol next to the name. Clicking this button will allow you to enter fields which will display underneath that field. You may enter more than one field.

    You have the ability to add custom fields to your system so you can create additional infoormation within a record. Visit our Custom Fields page to learn more. 

Automated Reporting Setup

  • Configure Automated Reporting Settings

    This section allows you to automatically run and email sales and payment reports to a designated email addresses.

    When logged in as an Admin to set up reporting information, you will receive the report for the single funeral home. Simply designate which day to run the report, if required, and the email address(es) to receive the report. Click ‘Update’ when done.

  • Configure Text Message Notifications

    This section allows you to define which cell phone numbers to be notified via text whenever an At Need contract is added and/or a discount is given on a contract.

    Enter the cell phone address(es) to be notified for each event in the format of You may separate multiple phones with a comma. For example:,

    Click the ‘Show Carrier List’ button below to locate the more common providers in the US and Canada. Please contact your cell phone provider to obtain your text message cell carrier domain name if your provider is not in the list.

    Use the ‘Test A Number ‘ option to check the validity of the number and to verify that you can receive the messages at the number entered. A successful send does not guarantee that the message will be received or received in a timely manner due to unforeseen problems with a cell carrier that the system is unable to control.

Password and User Account Maintenance

  • Maintain User Accounts

    If you prefer to watch a video, click here.

    This section allows you add additional general user accounts with customized access to the various menu tabs.

    Click the ‘Add New +’ button to add a new user. Enter the information for that user. Click ‘Add’ when done.

    ** Usernames must be unique and must contain at least 6 characters. For many funeral homes the initial login created by FrontRunner may be sufficient.

    Use this feature to block access to parts of the system. For example, if there is a user who will maintain client information but not have access to financial information, the login can allow access to the Client menu option but not the Financial menu option.

Inventory Control

  • Define Product Inventory Methods

    This section allows you to define if/how you will inventory vaults, caskets, clothing, and urns and vases. The product selection method on the Client Financial screen is determined by these settings.

    Use the dropdowns to select the method for each. Click ‘Update’ when done.

  • Maintain Inventory Transfer Locations

    This section allows you to define the funeral home(s) that may be involved with inventory transfers.

    If your company operates multiple funeral home locations, a list of all the funeral homes will be visible. In order for transfers to be allowed, all funeral homes must have the others defined.

Timesheet Setup

  • Setup Timesheet Values

    If you prefer to watch a video, click here.

    This section allows you to set up timesheets.

    Set the number of weeks in a pay period and the email addresses to use for submitting timesheets. Also, define the day of the week that the pay periods begin.

Obituary Setup

  • Email Address(es) to Use for Obituary Communications

    This section allows you to set up email addresses for emailing obituaries to newspapers.

    Enter the funeral home email address that should be the “reply to” email address for these emails. Separate multiple emails addresses with commas. These addresses will be used to send the obituary email and will also receive a copy of the email sent. Click ‘Update Email’ when done.

Overdue Tasks

  • Overdue Task Notification Settings

    This section allows you to define your Overdue Task Notification settings.

    You can define an email address(es) to receive daily emails on outstanding tasks when this setting in enabled.

    When the Overdue Task Notification Setting is enabled, you will also receive a pop-up notice on the Summary Screen of the record to inform you. Should you wish to disable those pop-up notices within the record, you can disable the notice on a per record basis and still receive the daily emails.

Financial & Quickbooks Setup and Maintenance

Visit our Quickbooks page to learn about Quickbooks Setup and Maintenance.
  • Payment Terms and AN Late Fee Configuration

    If you would like late fees to be automatically calculated, you must first enable the feature for your funeral home by adding payment terms, auto-calculation settings and turning on late fee calculation. If you have enabled automatic late fee calculations, late fee amounts will be calculated and added to each contract that has accrued a late fee. You may optionally receive an email detailing each contract and the late fee that was automatically added. This document details the process and what you need to do to enable automatically added late fees.

    System Configuration

    In order to enable late fee calculation for your funeral home you must set the “Automatic Adding of Applicable Late Fees is Currently:” to Enabled. This tells the nightly program to check your funeral home for any late fees that are due.

    You may define email addresses that should receive the summary listing of late fees added. We highly recommend you take advantage of this feature. You will only receive an email if late fees were added to one or more contracts. Too add an email, click the Edit button (the paper and pencil icon) next to ‘Email Address(es) currently receiving auto-added late fee summary:’. You can add more than one, you will just need to separate each one with a comma.

    Before you can enable late fees you must first setup at least one terms setting.

    Terms Details

    You may have any number of terms settings but only one is active for a particular contract date.

    • Effective Date: This is the date the terms go into effect. When you add an at need contract, the terms that you have defined as in effect on the contract date are associated with the contract. This allows you to change your terms without affecting prior contracts.
    • Enable Automatic Late Fees for All New Accounts: When a new AN contract is added this will turn on automatic late fees for this contract. If this option is set to No then you must visit the Account screen and manually turn on late fee auto calculation for each contract. This will be discussed later in the documentation.
    • Enable Automatic Late Fees for All New AddOns: This works the same as the At Need Contracts, but it is for AddOns.
    • Initially Set Balance Due Date to __ Days(s) After ____ Unpaid Balance Due By Date: This will calculate and add the initial balance due date when the contract is added. You may choose either the Contract Date, Service Date or Date of Death as your date basis. This balance due date is editable via the Contract page at any time.
    • Apply First Late Fees every __ Day(s) After Unpaid Balance Due By Date: This is the number of days after the balance due date when the first late fee should be applied.
    • Calculate and Apply Late Fees Every __ Day(s): This is the frequency which you would like the late fees applied.
    • Interest Rate: This is the interval rate, i.e. 1.5%, NOT the annual rate.
    • AN Payment Terms Text: At Need Contract Payment Terms Text. (For future use)
    • PN Payment Terms Text: Preneed Contract Payment Terms Text. (For future use)
    • Editing Terms and Late Fee Settings: You must be careful when you edit terms and late fee settings since it has the potential to affect existing contracts. You will be shown a warning if you edit terms that have been assigned to one or more contracts.
    • Deleting Terms and Late Fee Settings: You may only delete terms if they have not previously been assigned to a contract.
    • Auto-calculate Late Fee Maintenance on the Account Screen

    Auto-calculate Late Fee Maintenance on the Account Screen

    If you wish to disable auto-late fees you can simply change the Enabled drop down to Disabled.

    If you wish to enable, or re-enable late fees, just change the setting to Enabled. The next late fee applied date will default to “tomorrow” but you may change it to any date in the future. Subsequent additions of late fee records will occur on the interval you have defined as “calculate and apply late fees every ___ days” in the setup for the applicable terms record.

    Any edits, deletions or additions you make to the client’s account may affect late fee amounts so be aware you may need to manually adjust late fee amounts if you make changes which would affect the balance due.

    Auto-calculate Late Fee Maintenance on the Contract Screen

    There will be an informational message on the screen if automatic late fees are currently enabled for a contract or add on. You will not see any automatic-late fee related message if automatic late fees are disabled for your entire funeral home or for the individual contract or add on.

    You will be shown a warning message if you change the balance due date on a contract and automatic late fees are enabled. This is because automatic late fees initially use the balance due and your other terms setup variable to determine when late fees should be applied. You may or may not need to adjust the next late fee applied date if you change your balance due.

    Summary Email

    A summary email will be sent to each email address currently defined in the Admin setup whenever automatic late fees are added. An email will only be sent if late fees were automatically added.

  • Financial Data Editing Control Setup

    This section allows you to set up whether to restrict financial data editing or not.

    Restricted Financial Data Editing

    • ‘Not Restricted’ allows client contract information to be edited at any time.
    • ‘With Restricted’ Editing – define a cutoff date and any contract edits made after that date must be made as an Add On.
  • Financial Reporting Date Type Basis

    Use the drop down to select the Date Type to use for Financial Reporting Date.

    Click Update Information when done. 

  • Set Last Check or Deposit Number Used

    This section allows you to set values to determine which check/cheque and deposit number to use for your next transaction entry.

  • Set Account Sort Order, Last Reconciled Date and Current Balance

    This section allows you to set the starting balance and last reconciled date for use with account register information.

    Enter the last reconciliation date, the opening balance, how to sort, and click ‘Update Values’.

  • Expense Category Maintenance

    This section allows you to set up your expense categories.

    Use the green + icon to add an expense category. Enter the name and click ‘Add’. Once categories are added, there are options to delete or edit the name.

  • Edit A Transaction (includes Archived)

    This section allows you to edit transactions, including previously exported and cleared transactions.

    Enter the transaction type and number, text that contains who it is payable to or deposited from, amount, dates, and click ‘Search Transactions’.

  • Cash Advance Maintenance - Other Payment Methods

    This section allows you to mark cash advance items paid by anything other than a check/cheque.

    If a cash advance transaction was paid with some means other than a check, enter it using this screen. These transactions will be included in the Cash Advance Reconciliation feature.

    ** In order to use the Cash Advance Reconciliation feature, the expense categories must be defined for “Cash Advance” and “Cash Advance: Miscellaneous”.

    Enter the transaction number, text that contains who it is payable to or deposited from, amount, dates, and click ‘Search Cash Advance Transactions’.

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