Custom Fields

This feature allows you to add custom fields to your system and create a custom field title for records and form exporting. The user created fields can also be used on reports by using the Field Names generated by the system when the field is created. Your system administrator MAY have added additional fields. 
Navigate to System Settings > Arranging Director Admin > Define and Maintain Vitals and Services Data Fields.  

There are two buttons at the top, Vitals Screen Rows and Service Screen Rows. Each buttons contains a list of fields that are available for records. Locate a field where your new field makes the most sense to appear with within a record. There are little green (+) icons beside most fields. Click on one to create a new field. 

Simply type the name of the field and choose the data type of text, number, date or time. Make sure to click the green add button on the right to save your new field. If you wish to add more than one field underneath an existing field, just click the add button again.

You may set the display order of your fields by clicking the row and dragging to its new location. You may only re-order custom fields below the system field you added them underneath. For example, if Arranging Director – Administrative Menu you add a field under Music you may not drag it underneath the Cremation Date field. However, if you add more than one field under Music you may drag to reorder their display order underneath the Music field.

You may also remove custom fields from this screen by clicking the red delete icon. If you have never entered data for a field it will be deleted. Your custom field will be deprecated if data has been entered for the field for any client. Deprecating means that the field and its data will appear for any client it was entered on, but the field will not be available for any future clients nor will it appear on an existing client if data was never entered for that field.

For more information on how this area of the system works, please click here
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