ASD is an Answering Service that is solely dedicated to Serving the Funeral Profession. We have developed software that can integrate directly with ASD. This integration will enable you to reduce your data entry by uploading information directly into ASD’s systems. For more information, please visit the myASD website.
To register your system with ASD, navigate to System Settings > MyASD.
Your ASD client (or mailbox) number and password are required to register. Enter the information and click Register MyASD Account. When validated, a pop-up will appear: “MyASD has been successfully registered”. If the information is invalid, the pop-up will say: “Incorrect Client ID or Client Password”. If the problem persists, contact ASD to ensure you have the correct information.
Once registered,the ASD Account Status field will switch to “Registered”.
Get Locations
Select the “Get Locations from MyASD” option.
Select Download MyASD Locations to download any locations tied to your website. Locations will later be attached to a death record and made available to ASD. In order to make any changes to your locations, contact ASD.
Once locations are downloaded, the message will read “MyASD locations have been successfully downloaded”. Click “OK”. The screen will refresh and the locations will be displayed.
If there are any download issues (“Unable to download MyASD locations”), try again at a later time. If the problem persists, contact
Reporting to and from ASD
Two services can be used with the ASD service:
Obituary Export: Provides data to ASD whenever a record is updated in your system. This service can be activated or deactivated in each record. To activate this service, open a record and click Edit Record Settings. MyASD Locations – Select a location and click Save. Anytime a record is edited, the information will be reported to the ASD service.
First Call Import: Allows the ASD service to receive calls on behalf of the funeral home. The information received by ASD is imported on demand.
To import information to a new record from ASD, navigate to the Arrangement tab > MyASD Management > Import Deaths from ASD.
Click Import MyASD Deaths to download any of the newly reported deaths since the last import. The pop-up will read: “Successfully imported # record(s)”. Click “OK” to refresh the screen. Any new records will display as Un-Confirmed.
Click a row to view more details and sort the table by clicking on any of the headers.
Confirm Records
When a record is first imported, it is marked as Un-Confirmed. The funeral director can then verify the record before it is created in the system. To view the details provided from ASD, click the row marked “Un-Confirmed”. The record can then be confirmed as Web Only or Standard. Once confirmed, the new record will automatically open.
Viewing Previously Confirmed Records
Any records previously confirmed are displayed in green. When clicked, the record will open in the system.
If the Import MyASD Deaths button is clicked but there are no records to import, a pop-up will say: “No deaths found since last import”.
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Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.