This section of Arranging Director allows you to create an obituary.
Open a record and navigate to Client Arrangement > Obituary.
To create the obituary for a record, choose Default 1 or if you want to create your own obituary templates, you can do so from System Settings > Data Setup > Obituary Templates.
The Default 1 feature pulls information from the record to populate a basic template. Any missing information from the record will be indicated by () X (). Simply type in the replacement text, edit any of the information, and click on ‘Save’ at the top right.
The character and word counts are located below the template editing space.
As long as you have an email address entered in System Settings > Arranging Director Admin > Obituary Setup > Email Address(es) to Use for Obituary Communications, you have the option to email this obituary. Click the ‘Email Obituary’ button. The primary photo you have selected for this record will also be emailed.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.