Add and edit all of your products and services. If you are a Matthews’ customer, all products will be pre-loaded into the product catalog for you.
Navigate to System Settings > Catalogs > Products.
Add Categories
Click the button. Enter the name (ex. Stainless Steel). Select the classification (ex. Merchandise: Caskets). Click
when done.
Add Products
Select the button at the top right. Select click here to add an image to upload a picture. A window will pop-up. Select Choose File and locate the image from your computer. Once the image opens, it will load in the window. Double-click on the image to load it to the box.
Enter the following information about the product:
- Product Name
- Product Code if you have it/require it
- Wholesale Price
- Retail Price – This is the price that will display on the website if you choose to publish your products, or that is used on the contract if you are an Arranging Director management client.
- Supplier
- Show on Merchandise List? – If you are in our Arranging Director management system, you must tick this box for any product that you want to be linked to the contract screen.
- Inventoried? – Ticket this box if you want to keep a product inventory in your system. See Inventory Control section for more details.
- Disable Pricing Showing on Web – If by default, you have all pricing disabled for Web then disregard.
- Category – Choose the bategory that best suits the product.
- Short Description – This is the information that appears on the product listing page of your website, if you choose to publish your products to the site.
- Specifications – This information appears if you click the More Info/Customize link on a particular product (only for products that you have published to the website).
- Long Description – This information appears if you click the More Info/Customize link on a particular product (only for products that you have published to the website).
Edit Products
Use the to expand all categories until you find the product to edit. Once selected, the product will appear on the right side of the screen. Click
when done.
Product Add-Ons
Navigate to the Product Add-Ons section on the left to add pricing to all corners and cap panels in the catalog. (These are preloaded for Matthews clients.) Add prices if using the Virtual Showroom.
Need more help with this?
Don’t hesitate to contact us here.