You will create your Word Document and add the field names from the Fillable Fields list to the form where you would like the data to appear.
You must wrap the EXACT value in field name with a double percent symbol. ex – %%Last%%
The data will be displayed exactly as you entered it into the system, unless there is additional information in the Example Output column.
!When you save your Word document, it must be saved as a .rtf file in order for it to pre-fill with data. If you do not need it to pre-fill with data, you may upload it as a .doc or .docx file.
When you are finished with the form creation, navigate to Arranging Director > Forms > Maintain Form List to upload to the system. Click ‘Add a New Form’.
You will then be prompted to fill out the following form details:
- Click ‘Find File’ to upload the form (10mb max).
- Enter the Form Name
- Enter the Form Description
- Enter the Form Category. This is what the category heading will be for this form on your Forms Menu.
- Choose the Form Type from the dropdown.
– If this is a form that will prefill with information from the record, choose Pre-Fill with Available Data.
– If this is a form that doesn’t prefill, choose Static Form.
- Enter your initials for verification and click Upload Document.
*Troubleshooting Tip: If your data field name is correctly entered in your MS Word file but your data field is not populating once uploaded into the system, it could be due to hidden internal file formatting which is preventing our program from locating hte name of the data field within your document and filling the text with data from your database. Try placing your cursor before the first percent and using the backspace key to delete any leading, hidden and unnecessary formatting then do the same thing after the last percent sign by clicking the delete key. If this does not work, copy a field name that is working and past it in the location of the problem data field, then replace the field name text between the double percent signs.
*Troubleshooting Tip: Please note that there is a file size limit on the files you may upload. Typically the issue only comes up when documents have embedded images. One way to decrease the file size of your document is to make sure your images are re-sized to the actual size needed by your document before you insert them so you are not adding unnecessary size to your file. You may edit your image using any image editor, then add it to your document and try the upload again.