Below are a list of common questions regarding the Book of Memories. If you are still unable to find a solution to any problem that you are experiencing, please contact

Question: How do I delete/modify a condolence message, candle message, story, or donation written in the Book of Memories?

Answer: To hide, modify or delete a specific tribute saved within a particular record:

  1. Open the record in question.
  2. Navigate to Book of Memories > Tributes or Tributes > Modify Tributes.
  3. Scroll to the tribute you need to delete/modify.
  4. Select the ‘Edit’ or “Delete” button.
  5. If editing, Save your changes.

Question: I am receiving condolences through my email but they are not appearing on the website. Why?

Answer: Visitors are able to specify whether a condolence is private or public. All condolences are emailed to family members but if the condolence is private, it will not be visible on the Book of Memories.

Question: Why am I not receiving condolence emails any more?

Answer: verify your email address in your settings.

  1. Navigate to System Settings > System Profile > General Settings.
  2. You will see a field called “Guest book monitoring e-mail”. This is the funeral home email where all the condolences will be sent.
  3. Make sure the email address is current and correct.
  4. Click “Save Settings” at top right.

If the email address listed is correct, check your spam/junk mail folders.

Question: Why aren’t the maps generated by Google Maps working for us?

Answer: If Google is not generating a correct map, check your locations database to ensure that all address information fields are filled out and correct. Google requires all information to generate the proper map.

  1. Navigate to System Settings > Data Setup > Quickfill & System Data > Quick Fill Data Categories > Service/Visitation/Reception Locations.
  2. Click on Edit icon at the far right side of the location name.
  3. Verify all the information is correct.
  4. Click on the Edit button at the bottom of the pop-up.

If the information is correct, you can set up GPS Coordinates to help. To find the GPS Coordinates of a specific location: Right-click the location in Google Maps and select ‘What’s here?’ The coordinates will appear under the search box.

Question: How can I set up a Book of Memories for a family even though the service was not with our funeral home?

Answer: A Book of Memories works the same way as a Web-only Record.

  1. Navigate to your Main > Records.
  2. Mouse over the ‘Add a New Record’ button at top right.
  3. Select the ‘Book of Memories’ option.

Question: Why aren’t the photos and stories shared by families appearing in the Book of Memories?

Answer: The approval process for photos and stories is currently on in your system. These need to be approved by either the family, from within the Family Login, or the funeral home, from within the Approve Photos or Approve Stories section, before they become visible in the Book of Memories.

Question: How does a family member remove a photo that has already been approved and is visible in the Book of Memories?

Answer: The family is not able to remove a previously approved photo. The funeral home can do this by opening the record and navigating to Book of Memories > Manage Photos. Click on the ‘Delete’ link located under the photo that needs to be removed.

Question: Why is there no picture appearing for a record listed on the Current Services page?

Answer: Each record needs one photo designated as the primary picture.

  1. Open the record and navigate to Book of Memories > Manage Photos.
  2. Select ‘Set as Primary’ under one photo.

The picture will then load at the left and appear on the Current Services page.

Question: How do I completely remove the candles from the Book of Memories?

Answer: There is no way to completely remove the candle images from the Book of Memories. Please feel free to visit our Memorial Candles section for more information.

Question: Can we remove the verification code in the Book of Memories? It can be hard to read.

Answer: It can be removed however, we highly recommend choosing a different captcha (verification box) instead to prevent spam emails from posting in the Book of Memories.

  1. Navigate to your Main > Book of Memories > Global BOM Settings > Captcha Preference for BOM Pages.
  2. There are four options:
  • Do not display Captchas (removes the verification box)
  • Google Re-captcha (standard Google verification)
  • Simple Math (ex. what is 12+11)
  • Candle Count (ex. enter the number of lit candles at the top of the page)
  • When complete, click Save Settings.

Question: I do not want the Book of Memories home page displayed when a deceased’s name is clicked on. How can we set up the link to go immediately to the Book of Memories?

Answer Yes, you can turn off the home page.

  1. Navigate to your Main > Book of Memories > Global BOM Settings.
  2. Remove check from the ‘Disable BOM Tunnel Page’ box.
  3. Click Save Settings at top right.

Question: How can I help a family that keeps receiving an error message when trying to post a story/condolence to the Book of Memories.

Answer: Error messages can be caused by our security filters blocking the posting. The system’s filter checks all messages for inappropriate words. If one is found, the message won’t be posted. The filters are overly sensitive but it’s better to be safe than sorry. If the filter blocks a submission, funeral homes can post a message for the family. In the Book of Memories, start the condolence or story submission process. Enter all the information such as name and email address of person submitting then enter one letter in the message field. Submit.

  1. Go to the record > Book of Memories > Tributes.
  2. Locate the message and select Edit.
  3. Copy and paste the rest of the message into the field and Save.

The message will then be visible on the Book of Memories.

Question: What happens when people make a donation through the Book of Memories? When do the charities receive their money?

Answer: My Tribute Gift handles all credit card donations for all registered charities in North America through the Book of Memories. The “umbrella” charity organization processes the payments every three weeks and sends the accumulated funds to the charity with all the details pertaining to each donation. Those charities registered on ACH (direct deposit) will receive the funds faster than those that are mailed checks. The My Tribute Gift website offers ACH registration and a secure login for the charity to directly access their donation data at any time. The charity can find current info on all the donations, check on funds waiting to be processed from the site, and have funds deposited directly to account with as few delays as possible. Charities can find out more information at the My Tribute Gift website. If you have concerns about any donations, contact My Tribute Gift. Contact information is below.
3495 14th Avenue, Markham, ON, L3R 0H4

Question: Is there a way to upload a large number of photos to a record all at once?

Answer: Yes.

Go to the folder on your computer that contains the photos you want to upload.

  1. Highlight all of the photos that you want to add to the record and then drag and drop the files to the ‘Drop files here’ section of Book of Memories > Manage Photos. You can upload up to 50 photos at a time. If you choose not to drag and drop, click on the Add files button and highlight all photos to include.
  2. Follow the prompts to Start upload.

Question: How do I help a person who says their credit card is good but the transaction is declined when trying to light a candle?

Answer: Transactions are either accepted or declined by the credit card company. If what the card holder entered doesn’t match exactly what the credit card company has on file for that card, the transaction will be declined for the card holder’s protection. In situations like this, it’s best to suggest that the person contact their credit card company to verify that their information is correct.

Question: Why are some people who are trying to pay for a candle directed to a web page asking them to enter a lot of personal information?

Answer: FrontRunner is not asking for or storing any personal information. This is a security feature set up by credit card companies. Visa has Verify by Visa. Master Card has Secure Code. There are various other security features created by credit card companies. Should a person contact you about this, suggest that they contact their credit card company or to visit their website for more information.

Question: How do I add a local charity as the Family Preferred charity?

Answer: If you have searched the Master Database for a charity and can’t find it, you will need to add it to your database. This often happens when you need to add a new trust fund for a family or if there is a small community organization that is not a registered charity.

Go to System Settings > Databases > Charities. All charities ever added will be visible. To add another one, click on “Add a Charity” in the upper right corner. Be sure to enter all necessary information including the fulfillment method. Once the charity is added, return to the record and click the dropdown for Non-Charitable Organizations. Locate the charity and Add it to the Family Preferred list. Save.

Question: How do I correct a mistake in a message or delete a message entirely from the Book of Memories?

Answer: Open the record. Any message submitted to a Book of Memories (Candle, Condolence, Donation, or Story) can be edited in the record.

  • Select Book of Memories > Tributes. Locate the message that needs to be corrected (Edit) or removed (Delete). Save.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us here.

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